Monday, October 14, 2013

Writing from Left to Right- Review

Writing from Left to Right
    by: Michael Novak

Image, 336 pages, Hardcover
Released on: September 3, 2013

These days politics are such a touchy subject. You are expected to be either Republican or Democrat, and whichever group you find yourself "in" it is supposed to be that way forever. It is no longer what is true or just, rather it is considered a life long loyalty. In our relativistic world, we do not believe or encourage the idea of a constant truth. We desire to be much less offensive and say "what is true for you is not true for me".

This whole idea tells us that there is nothing greater than ourselves, because we know "truth" in its entirety from the beginning. It is precisely this idea that Michael Novak shoots down at the very beginning of his book with one phrase: "In heavy seas, to stay on course it is indispensable to lean hard left at times, then hard right. The important thing is to have the courage to follow your intellect. Wherever the evidence leads. To the left or to the right." (pg )

Mr. Novak, implores the reader in a rather convicting way, to seek Truth in its truest form and not be afraid where it leads us; because truth will only lead us to truth. In this biography he recounts in great detail, his journey from what he believed as the true and just way, to the absolute truth. His decisions and experiences brought him to radically change his approach and way of thinking.

It is incredibly engaging, and you will find yourself not wanting to put it down. Don't be intimidated by the political aspect, it is thought provoking and an easy read. I hope you enjoy it!

If you are looking for a little more information, feel free to check out the links below.
 "I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review." 

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