Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Mass- Review

The Mass: The Glory, the Mystery, the Tradition
    by: Cardinal Donald Wuerl
        and Mike Aquilina

Image, 224 pages, Paperback
Reprinted Edition: March 3, 2013

This book is a gem in so many ways. It is accessible, knowledgeable, convicting and inspiring. From the beginning, the authors emphasize the importance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and its sacredness. The Introduction is titled: The Mass is What We Do, and sets the tone for the entire book.

This book is accessible to Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. They walk through the Mass with you describing the significance of each aspect including the atmosphere, the postures, and the roles each is to play. I don't mean roles like in a play, rather asking are we actively participating in the Mass, or sitting there staring off into space until it is over? They explain what this looks like, sounds like, and feels like. Which is both convicting and inspiring.

I have read a number of books on The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but what I particularly liked about this one was the biblical and language references. The reminder that what we "do" is rooted in Sacred Scripture, that we are the Biblical Church founded by Christ, and along with Sacred Scripture we also have Sacred Tradition.

 So, if you would like to learn more about the Mass, and your "role" in it, or simply why we "do what we do". This is the book for you. Happy Reading!

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 "I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."