Monday, November 17, 2014

Journal of a Soul- Review

Image, 544 pages, Paperback
Printed: Subsequent edition (November 9, 1999)

Pope St. John XXIII was canonized this spring with Pope St. John Paul II and can be looked over as a Pope who was the driving force behind the Second Vatican Council. He was joyful and in almost every picture is seen smiling. Often referred to as the "laughing" or "joyful" Pope, humor was one of his greatest qualities and was one of the first to crack a joke at his own expense.

As you dive into Journal of  a Soul you become instantly more aware of his serious nature. At each entry he admits his own failings and expresses incessantly his deep desire for holiness. Never losing hope, but rather admitting his absolute and complete dependence on the mercy and grace of God. Every entry showcases his determination and willed decision to be a saint. This book is a must read for anyone who struggles with selfishness or pride. Pope St. John XXIII is a beacon of hope and example of perseverance to those who can wind up lost in their own despair and shortcomings. Simply put, he shows us that it is not about you, it is about who you are through Him, and when you fall you must pick yourself back up and run to Him.

This book is a perfect example that all can't be known about a person simply by observing, this book delves into the more serious side of our joyful Pope who was pushed on by a great desire for holiness. Saint John XXIII...pray for us.  

Looking for more information...
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review." 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lumen Fidei- Review

Lumen Fidei: The Light of Faith
  by: Pope Francis

Image, 96 pages, Paperback
Printed: November 19, 2013

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI during his pontificate took the Church through a time of deep emphasis of the three Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, and Love. His first Encyclical was Deus Caritas Est: God is Love, his second was Spe Salvi: Saved in Hope, and for me personally I was deeply looking forward to his next Encyclical on Faith. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in preparation for it, dedicated a special time for the Church to reflect on the gift of Faith. October 11, 2012 to November 24, 2013 was named the Year of Faith.

With the resignation of my dear Papa Benedict XVI and the election of Pope Francis I think many expected a different "theme" if you will with his pontificate. Rather Pope Francis issued his first Encyclical Lumen Fidei: the Light of Faith. When I first began reading it had Pope Benedict written all over it, with the style of writing and the urging that our relationship with Christ is a gift, and something to be treasured. It is something that our world is starving for and we have the responsibility to share that light of Christ that faith gives us. Having it is not enough, we need to foster and protect the flame, giving light to others that they might discover who they truly are.

In his forward Dr. Scott Hahn gives a little background to the encyclical and both Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, while answering some questions that might come up as you are reading. But most importantly reassures all those people who were worried, the Papacy is not about a man and his agendas, rather a continuation of teachings. Pope Francis, is continuing the same teachings, they just might be presented a little differently.

Enjoy. I know I did.

Looking for more information:

 "I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."